Figure 1 - QuickPop Popuo Menu (from within the QuickPop control panel) Below is an explanation of each menu item in the QuickPop Popup menu: • QuickPop Folder: This submenu will show a list of all aliases you've put into the “QuickPop Folder”, it can also have submenus if you've put any folder inside the QuickPop menu. • Control Panels: This submenu will show a list of all Control Panels in the Control Panels folder. • Apple Menu Items: This submenu will show a list of all items in your Apple Menu. • FKEYS: This submenu will show a list of all FKEY's available in the system. • Monitor: This submenu will show a list of all possible monitor settings for the monitor you have. • Sound Level: This submenu will show a list of all possible sound levels. • Switch: Here are the options available in the Switch submenu:   Figure 2 - Switch Menu These options allow you to set a “HotKey” to switch to another running application. Use these rather than the Application menu in the upper right of the menu bar to switch to another application quickly by using keys rather than the mouse. • Switch to Previous: Switch to the previous application in the alphabetical list of all running application. • Switch to Next: Switch to the next application in the alphabetical list of all running application. • Switch With List: This will bring up a window with a list of all running applications, you can select with the mouse, arrow keys or by typing the first characters in the name of the application.